Valle de Puértolas - Puyarruego
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Other sources about the region

Websites: latest check on 10.i.2021 - The (water)mills of Altoaragón.
Important witnesses about life in the villages of Aragón. Also featured: the mill of Puyarruego. How do they function; the different parts of a watermill with horizontal wheel. Visit the mills. Map with the location of more than 200 mills. In English and Dutch, partly in Spanish.
Webcam of Puyarruego
Webcam installed on the roof of Casa Castillo with a view on the pyrenees. Fresh image each hour.
Sobrarbe digital
Digital newspaper with information about the Sobrarbe region. In Spanish.
Weather forcast
Weather forcast for the next week. Graphs, maps with text in Spanish.
Túnel de Bielsa
Situation at the tunnel of Bielsa (open, closed, chains). Also webcam with view of the entrances of the tunnel; refreshed every 10 minutes. French, English, Spanish.
The weather in France
Weather forcast for France.
Webcams in Huesca
Webcams showing several places in the region. — Revista digital del Pirineo aragonés
News, weather, excursions, national parks, book reviews, more. Links to everything Pyrenees. In Spanish.
Nabateros del Sobrarbe (Río Cinca)
Navateros of the region. News, current activities, old photos, history. Spanish.
Laspuña — Nabatiando
Navateros of Laspuña. News, current activities, old photos, history. Spanish.
Blog about nature, mainly plants. Reports about plant excursions. Splendid photos of many flower species with their scientific names. Text in Spanish.
Hiking in the Sierra de Guara
La Sierra de Guara, mi perro y yo. Excursions of all kinds; all apt for dogs. With maps, photos, sorted by theme, text in Spanish.
Ganas de Vivir — Sobrarbe y Ribagorza
Varied news about the region. Text in Spanish.
Ainsa - Sobrarbe
Facebook page of Ainsa. Everything that counts in Ainsa, the region, the people. Spanish. The local voice of the PSOE political party.