Valle de Puértolas - Puyarruego
Home Wildlife Birds Details

Bird observations - details

Booted Eagle
This eagle is not often seen. Birds on migration have been observed on 24.IX.1999 (1 individual heading south) and on 09.III.2000 (4 individuals to the north).

Red Kite
Red kite can be observed year round in de vicinity of Puyarruego. During winter, higher numbers occur on roosting sites. One known roosting site is located near Belsierre, on the other site of the Vellos valley. In general, a few dozen birds are present. Higher numbers have been noted on e.g. 03.III.1999 (60 individuals) and on 21.XII.2002 (at least 100 individuals).

Black Kite
The black kite is a summer visitor and a few birds can be observed regularly during spring and early summer. During spring passage, in particular during the month of March, the species can be seen in higher numbers.

Some data of important groups are:

  09.III.2000: 37 ex. 03.III.2001: 350 ex.
05.III.2001: 410 ex.
16.III.2002: 50 ex.
03.III.2003: 50 ex.
04.III.2003: 140 ex.

Sometimes the birds start migration from a roosting site near Belsierre in the morning. In less than half a hour all kites are soaring and climbing in thermals, suddenly starting to glide northwards.

The crane is a passage bird and has been observed during migration in the beginning of March. The nearby Cinca valley is a migration route especially for birds coming from the Sotonera lake, a well-known roosting site west of Huesca where each year thousands of birds concentrate during spring migration. All birds observed around Puyarruego followed the Río Vellos valley to the north or northeast, passing the mountain chain at Bielsa pas or even near the Monte Perdido. Highest numbers have always been noted during the morning.

In 2003 in three days a peak of 7521 birds migrated over Puyarruego.


09.III.2000: 410 ex

05.III.2001: 146+42 ex.

03.III.2003: 2200 ex.
04.III.2003: 4704 ex.
07.III.2003: 617 ex.

Cranes flying over Punta LLerga
(04.III.2003) (See Photo-album)