Valle de Puértolas - Puyarruego
Home Wildlife Birds Butterflies Dung beetles

Fauna of Puyarruego

A list of birds seen in and around Puyarruego. In this list also the names in four languages and the period of the year when the observation was done. Some species also feature some extra remarks. Birds of Puyarruego
A short list with the names of butterflies found in the immediate surroundings of Puyarruego. Butterflies of Puyarruego
  Dung beetles
Puyarruego, like most villages in the Sobrarbe region, is a rural community. Sheep, goats and cows abound. Without them there would be no mountain pastures. Without cattle the mountains would be covered with woodland. Dung beetles play an important role in the sanitization of the pasture ecosystem. Time to kneel down and look a bit closer to dung beetles.